
Halloween (Not so) Fun-- TNGA

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Literature Text

Last year….

Andrew watched with a mixture of confusion and annoyance as his older brother frisked him once more this evening.  This had to be the third or forth time the older, blonde state had done this.  What was worse was that each time he did this, Tennessee would politely asked why they were going through this and Georgia would just say, “You’ll see.”  He wasn’t even being vague at this point!  Just annoying.  No they were in a parking lot in Norcross, tough Georgia had made a point in saying they needed to walk there.  Where were they going that required a frisking an a journey on foot?

The taller boy finally finished up, satisfied to finding no concealed weapons on the old-frontier’s person and grinned before standing up.  Chris gave Andrew a slap to the back side and laughed obnoxiously.  ”Glad you actually listened to me an’ didn’ bring nothin’ wi’d ya~!”  Andrew’s eyes had gone wide and he flushed to the pat on his back side and his hand went defensively behind him to protect himself with a firm frown.  ”Wish you wouldn’t do that…” he sorely grumbled beneath his breath.  Georgia looked to the young boy and tilted his head innocently.  ”Huh?  Why?  Was I too rough?”  ”No!  I— ….” Andrew sighed and dismissed it, though in the back of his mind her could practically hear Kentucky sneering in the background somewhere calling Georgia a poof just to piss off Tennessee.  He may be odd, but that was no excuse for so many people to make fun of the…  effeminate man before him…

B- Besides, there was no way Chris was.  I- It just ad to do with him being raised by a bunch of women when he wasn’t hanging out with Scotland and Germany as a kid.

Andrew snapped from his thoughts when he realized Christain was already walking off without him in a town he wasn't too familiar with.  He dropped his hands from the back of his pants and quickly ran to play catch up with his brother, who in response laughed and ran like this was a fucking game— which it usually was for him.  After a good ten minutes of An drew trying to match speed with someone who clearly had an advantage, a long line came into view and Andrew immediately sensed that he was in trouble for allowing his older sibling pick this week’s brotherly events.  He could see people in weird costumes and hear people screaming.  The building they were all waiting to go into didn't look to friendly…  ”George…”

"Now here me out!  I know as a family we all watch scary movies together, but I ain’t never seen none ‘ya go into a haunted house, and since this place has been in the list of top ten scariest haunted house attractions in the country—"

"You mean to tell me you thought it was a good idea to drag me to a haunted house?!  George!  What the hell?!  You know I don’t like messing with things that augh’n’t be messed with!  That’s why I shoo you away from pissing off the Blair Witch each year!  I won’t even get your obsession with making dead and cursed things so mad at you.  I blame those demons you got bunking in the plantation home—"

"—Hey now!  Leave those guys out of this!  They ain’t that bad, an’ they’re the only ones who’ll play poker or gamble with me any more!  Not since I showed you guys that golden fiddle.  Now, come oooon!  It’s not as bad as you’re thinking!  Look, it’s just a bunch of people in costumes playing around.  It’s exactly like a convention, but with more screaming~!"

Andrew only frowned even more disapprovingly.  Weird things happened whenever Georgia dragged him to his conventions, so hearing this was like that was not reassuring…  But, reluctantly, he agreed, and they got in the line.  A couple of the people there, both other patrons and monsters alike, seemed to recognize Christian and would either let the two brothers advance in line in front of their party or made a point to mess with the brothers even more.  A couple times, Andrew had to be held back after someone came up from behind to mess with him.  One person was thankfully fast enough to dodge a punch when Christian wasn't fast enough to find them and restrain Andrew from mauling them.  It wasn't fear that was bothering him, just old habits and instincts.

They finally made it inside.  There were a lot of jump scares and animatrons, along with some rooms that seemed to overload poor Tennessee’s senses.  However, he did fine until he got to what looked like a labyrinth within a grave yard and discovered the tall blond, who had been laughing the entire time and only making the situation worse, was now missing.  Figures.  It had been a while since that slightly manic laugh of his had bust out.  Honestly, even with all the years of dealing with Christian straight up bursting into laughter during every scary movie he’d watched, he still thought that listening to his older brother laugh his way through this was more unsettling than the elaborate scare tactics this place had to offer.   Well, nothing to do about it now.

He tried to make his way through the maze.  Occasionally, zombies and ghosts and other folk would jump out at him and give him a startle, but he otherwise was doing fine.  Even though he knew the graveyard was fake (at least, God willing it was since he’d hate to think even Christian would allow people to play on the resting place of so many dead), he couldn't help but admire how much detail was put into everything.  Honestly, had everything he looked at tonight not been out to get him in some way, this place would be pretty cool and maybe even artistic in one of those odd, creepy kind of ways.  These people went all out.  He even paused a moment in trying to figure out where he was now to admire one of the above-ground graves like what Louisiana had in coastal cities when he noticed something stalking him…

He bent down like he was tying his shoes, and watched the shadow move silently and precisely in and out of hiding places expertly, like it was on a mission.  It was almost a yard away from him and creeping up when he himself got prepared, this figure lurched out of hiding, and Andrew quickly stood, tomahawk in hand, as he took a swing and hit his target.


Andrew looked up in horror when he realized Georgia had gone off to get make-up done to look like a zombie and, for his troubles, Tennessee had ended up stabbing him.  Before he could much else react, Georgia rightfully took a swing and punched Andrew hard on the temple.  He gave a pretty nice spin, just in time to see that nice looking grave quickly approach his face before he felt something else hard fit him in the face and was knocked out cold……

He woke up with a startle in a hospital bed.  Christian was in the neighboring bed, glaring hard at his brother with zombie prosthetic still mostly in place.  Despite his usual policy of keeping a shirt on at all times, his chest was now bare and he had a row of large stitches up his side.  Just seeing them somehow reminded his nerves to kick in and remind him he had an injury of his own that was now screaming for his attention.  He raised his hand and could feel several stitches in his own forehead and a pretty large knot.  That would explain why it was a little hard to see out of his right eye at the moment…  He took one more bashful look to Christian, still glaring hard and heavy at the young state.  Neither said anything for a good amount of time.  Finally, Georgia kicked into his theatrics mode and threw his hands up as best he could with the stitches in his side.

"A tomahawk!  A tomahawk?!”

"You’re the one that told me to always carry one!"

"When you were a kid and had to fight off bears!  Where the hell were you keeping it?"

"…Boot.  Like you taught me…"

"In your—"  Georgia gave an exasperated huff and rolled his eyes before turning forward in his bed and crossing his arms in frustration.  Well, Andrew had done a pretty good job of concealing it, so he shouldn’t be too mad.  If anyone was to blame, it was him for not searching him more thoroughly.  "I get a do over next week for our weekend event."

Tennessee blinked lightly before giving a small, weak chuckle.  ”You still want to hang out with me next weekend?  I figured you would be too pissed at me ta ever wonna speak— at least for the rest of the month.”

"I am mad at you.  An’ for good reason. A tomahawk…"

Both sat in silence a moment more before Andrew chirped up.  ”Nice make up.”

"Shut up.  You ruined everything.  Spoil sport with your damn tomahawk."

"You’re really going to ride me over the tomahawk, aren’t ya George?"

" ‘Gain, for a good reason, idgit.  An’ don’t you start that George none\sense with me now boy, ‘fore I come over there an’ swell your other eye."


This year…

Andrew stood on the balcony of Georgia’s penthouse in Atlanta.  He would be admiring the view a little more if he weren't stripped to his boxers, shivering in the cold autumn air as his brother frisked him.  ”George, is this really necessary?”

"You owe me for stabbin’ me last year, an’ I ain’t taking any risks with you!"  The older of the two brothers then grumbled about how North Carolina had actually gotten mad at Georgia for the whole escapade last year and fussed at him instead of Tennessee as though it had all been his fault he got stabbed by the old-frontier state.
This was part of a technical ask I answered on Tumblr.  The idea was to create a "bonding time" story between the muse of who ever required it and GA.  For some reason, I liked the idea of Georgia taking Tennessee to Netherwold and regretting it at least for a day or two but still attempting it again the following year.

As always, TN and KY belongs to our lovely lady :iconarmelle-kumakins:.
Our honorably mentioned NC belongs to :iconanimesnowbunny:
Our Cry Baby GA belongs to :iconkikikittyninja:
The Hetalia series belongs to Himaruya Hidekazu.
© 2013 - 2024 KiKiKittyNinja
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